The Changing Landscape of Developmental Education Practices: Findings from a National Survey and Interviews with Postsecondary Institutions

By Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow, Maria Scott Cormier, Dominique Dukes, and Diana E. Cruz Zamora | November 2019

This report documents developmental education practices used in broad-access two- and four-year colleges across the country based on a 2016 survey of public two- and four-year colleges and private, nonprofit four-year colleges as well as interviews with institutional and state leaders.

2021-10-28T11:57:38-04:00November 14, 2019|

Developmental Education: An Introduction for Policymakers

By Elizabeth Ganga, Amy Mazzariello, and Nikki Edgecombe | February 2018

This brief, written in collaboration with the Education Commission of the States, discusses the importance of and challenges surrounding developmental education and suggests ways in which policymakers can address these challenges.

2021-10-28T12:24:29-04:00February 13, 2018|

How and Why Higher Education Institutions Use Technology in Developmental Education Programming

By Rebecca Natow, Vikash Reddy, and Markeisha Grant | September 2017

Drawing from semi-structured interviews with key personnel at several colleges, this paper explores how technology is integrated into developmental education programming, what challenges institutions have encountered relating to the technology, and what considerations institutional leaders take into account when deciding whether and how to integrate technology in developmental education. A version of this paper was published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

2021-10-28T12:24:06-04:00September 18, 2017|
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