The Maryland Mathematics Reform Initiative: Leveraging Bad News for Good Purposes
Nancy Shapiro, associate vice chancellor for education and outreach for the University System of Maryland, describes Maryland's math pathways initiative, how the reform's leaders took advantage of a First in the World grant from the U.S. Department of Education, and lessons learned from the work.
The Case for Corequisites: What Are the Ingredients of Success?
Lindsay Daugherty, a policy researcher at RAND Corporation, discusses five reasons why corequisite models of developmental education may be successful, based on the perspectives of faculty, administrators, and students in Texas.
A Brief History of California’s Changing Approach: Basic Skills and Beyond
Rose Asera, a researcher/evaluator who works with the RP Group, traces the history of developmental education reform in California from the early 2000s to the present day.
From Islands of Innovation to an Isthmus of Equity: Lessons from Developmental Education Reform in Florida
Christopher Mullin shares three lessons from Florida's experience with state-mandated developmental education reforms that made remediation optional for the vast majority of students.
Investing in Teaching to Improve Student Success: Adapting Lesson Study to the Community College Context
Susan Bickerstaff describes the Lesson Study model of professional development for instructors and a new research study examining how this model can be used in developmental mathematics.
Early Results from CAPR’s Developmental Education Survey: A Conversation with Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow
Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow discusses findings from a just-released CAPR brief documenting how developmental education programs have evolved over the last several years.