Faculty and Teaching Matter: Building the Next Reform Movement in Postsecondary Mathematics

Changes to placement policies and reforms to course sequences and curriculum have reshaped the landscape of mathematics in community colleges. A new study suggests that within this new and improved landscape, researchers, leaders, and advocates must turn their attention to teaching quality and its role in improving outcomes in mathematics.

2024-02-20T10:26:05-05:00October 19, 2023|Tags: , , |

Multiple Measures Assessment in a Corequisite Remediation Context

Both corequisite remediation and Multiple Measures Assessment (MMA) have been shown to get more students into college-level courses more quickly and to help students pass those courses. But what happens when colleges use corequisites and MMA together? A new CAPR study investigates how placement recommendations using high school GPA and other measures can improve student success in college-level courses.

2023-06-27T10:29:50-04:00June 27, 2023|Tags: , , , |

The Strengths and Challenges of Corequisite Developmental Education in Texas

Researchers at the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University break down their study on how institutions implemented corequisites and statewide student outcomes in light of HB 2223 and examine the relationships between corequisite intensity, structure, and student success in passing developmental courses and accumulating credits in the first year.

Exploring Informed Self-Placement

This blog post provides an overview of two new CAPR briefs looking at informed self-placement (ISP), a placement system which focuses on educating students about a college’s curriculum and available courses and then asks them to reflect on their skills and experiences before deciding their own placement.

2022-06-16T14:15:40-04:00June 16, 2022|Tags: |
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