Considering Outcomes, Cost, and ROI in Developmental Education Reforms
Research on developmental education reform often provides evidence on the efficacy and cost of an intervention, but leaves out what revenue could be generated through increased student retention and degree attainment. MDRC's new Intervention Return on Investment tool can help college leaders estimate the costs and revenues associated with reform.
Bringing Multiple Measures Assessment to Scale in Arkansas: Perspectives from State Education Leaders
In this blog, three state leaders discuss Arkansas’s adoption and scaling of multiple measures assessment to determine which students are ready for college-level courses. Their stories provide informative examples for other states that are considering doing the same.
New Evidence on Students With Low Placement Scores and Corequisite Courses
Florence Xiaotao Ran, a professor of higher education policy and CCRC affiliate, sat down with CAPR's Elizabeth Ganga to discuss findings from her study on corequisite support in Tennessee community colleges.
Disparities in Enrollment Decline in Community College Developmental Education
Research shows declining enrollment in remedial courses. In this blog post, New America's Tiffany Thai provides insight into whether this decline has been experienced equally among racial demographics and how recent developmental education reforms affect specific student populations.
Ten Years of CAPR
As CAPR marks its tenth year, it’s time to reflect on the progress CAPR and the field has made and on the opportunities that lie ahead. Since its founding, CAPR has contributed to a transformation in thinking about best practices for developmental education.
How Research Informed Policy in Arkansas’s Adoption of Multiple Measures
In 2017, Arkansas changed its policy to allow colleges to place new students into developmental or college-level math and English using multiple measures assessment. This Q&A discusses how research influenced a 2023 update to the guidance.