About Shayleah Jenkins

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So far Shayleah Jenkins has created 39 blog entries.

CAPR Link Roundup: Bolstering Developmental Education Reform With Additional Supports

Several recent research publications look at how reforms to the structure of developmental education combine with other reforms and supports to make a bigger difference for students. This blog shares resources to learn more about developmental education and transfer, developmental education and success coaching, and ESL reforms in California, along with several reports on corequisite courses.

2023-11-13T10:31:40-05:00November 8, 2023|Tags: , , |

Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Long-Term Follow-Up Cost Analysis

Dan Cullinan | November 2023

This brief is part of a follow-up study that reports on longer-term student outcomes and provides additional cost data analysis from the five years of follow-up research. It also compares costs to cumulative academic outcomes, providing estimates of cost effectiveness. A supplement to the brief breaks down the costs into categories.

2023-11-28T09:09:49-05:00November 2, 2023|Tags: |

CAPR Webinar Explores Long-Term Findings From Two Major Studies of Developmental Education

In a recent webinar, Elizabeth Kopko and Susan Sepanik of CAPR, along with Sharon Fox of NorthWest Arkansas Community College and Nancy Shapiro of the University System of Maryland, discussed the long-term results of two studies on developmental education reforms and how colleges and systems have changed their policies and practices in response to the findings.

2023-10-31T14:17:31-04:00October 31, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Faculty and Teaching Matter: Building the Next Reform Movement in Postsecondary Mathematics

Changes to placement policies and reforms to course sequences and curriculum have reshaped the landscape of mathematics in community colleges. A new study suggests that within this new and improved landscape, researchers, leaders, and advocates must turn their attention to teaching quality and its role in improving outcomes in mathematics.

2024-02-20T10:26:05-05:00October 19, 2023|Tags: , , |
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