About Shayleah Jenkins

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So far Shayleah Jenkins has created 39 blog entries.

College Course Placement Based on Multiple Measures Assessment: A Synthesis of Two Experimental Evaluations

By Sophie Litschwartz, Dan Cullinan, and Colin Hill | December 2024

Using data from twelve community colleges in three states, this report synthesizes findings from two evaluations that compare the effects of traditional test-only course placement to MMA course placement. The findings suggest that MMA is a cost-effective strategy for improving college progress.

2025-01-02T10:08:09-05:00January 2, 2025|

Lessons on Scaling Corequisites: The City University of New York’s Transition From Prerequisite to Corequisite Academic Support

Maggie P. Fay, Julia Raufman, Andrea Lopez Salazar, Selena Cho, Farzana Matin, and Elizabeth Kopko | November 2024

This report draws on interview data with faculty and staff to examine how seven City University of New York colleges transitioned to fully scaled corequisite courses in English and math and the implications of their choices for early implementation.

2024-11-26T16:48:00-05:00November 26, 2024|Tags: , |
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