News + Announcements
CAPR in the News
Study: Direct College Placement Boosts Student Success, Lowers Cost
Source: University Business
Study: Skipping Dev Ed Increases Student Success
Source: Inside Higher Ed
Multiple Measures, Better Outcomes
Source: Inside Higher Ed
Press Releases
Study Provides More Evidence for Expanding Access to College-Level Courses
A long-term study of an alternative approach to determining if community college students need developmental (also called remedial) courses has found that this approach allows many more students to succeed in their college-level math and English courses, part of the puzzle to bolstering the overall success of community college students.
Study Finds More ‘Remedial’ Students Should Take College-Level Courses
A new CAPR study found that combining standardized placement test results with high school GPA and other measures—called multiple measures assessment—allowed more students to go straight into college-level courses, and researchers found that those students did better than similar students left behind.
Dana Center Math Pathways Boosts Rates of Completion of Developmental Math and of College-Level Math Courses
A new CAPR report examines how four Texas community colleges implemented Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP) and the impact of DCMP on student outcomes over as many as four semesters. Costs of the initiative and student perspectives are also discussed.