Long-term Follow-Up Study of the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways
Community colleges have been struggling to better support the large number of students entering college who are deemed academically underprepared for college-level work in math. Historically, these students have been required to take and pay for a sequence of one to three or more semester-length non-credit-bearing courses, referred to as developmental math courses, before moving on to college-level math. Research has found that most students identified for traditional developmental math education never completed their developmental sequence or completed any college-level math credits, leaving them unable to attain a credentials.
The Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP) model was created in 2011 to better support students entering community college with developmental math needs. A rigorous study of DCMP found it had a positive impact on completion of the developmental math sequence and college-level math courses. In this session, the author will go over findings and takeaways from a long-term follow-up study of the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways.
Susan Sepanik, MDRC and CAPR
September 20, 2024
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront | Kent AB, 4