Publications from CAPR’s Evaluation of Alternative Placement Systems and Student Outcomes2021-10-28T11:24:39-04:00

Publications from CAPR’s Evaluation of Alternative Placement Systems and Student Outcomes

Modernizing College Course Placement by Using Multiple Measures

Elizabeth Ganga and Amy Mazzariello | April 2019

This brief, written in conjunction with the Education Commission of the States, describes the evidence for multiple measures placement and offers an overview of the types of multiple measures placement systems used across the country.

College Placement Strategies: Evolving Considerations and Practices (A CAPR Working Paper)

By Elisabeth A. Barnett and Vikash Reddy | February 2017

This paper provides an overview of the history of college placement testing, with a focus on nonselective colleges. The authors discuss the limitations of placement tests, the consequences of placement errors, and the movement toward changing systems of placement; a typology of approaches to assessment and placement is also described.

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