CAPR’s 2019 conference was held on November 21 and 22, 2019, in New York City. A full list of speakers and presentations is available on the presentations page, along with slides for each session. Videos of the plenary and keynote sessions are also posted. Many thanks to our speakers and attendees for making it an exciting and lively conference. Visit CCRC and MDRC for additional developmental education research.
Keynote Speakers
Conference Goals
Discuss the latest research on developmental education and what it means for students
Consider the implications of the research for education policy and practice
Identify how institutional reforms can best address the full range of student needs
Collectively develop a vision for the future of developmental education research and reform
About the Conference Theme
Institutions typically conceive of college readiness in terms of students’ math and English skills, placing students who test poorly in these subjects into developmental education courses. But research shows these courses often impede students’ academic progress rather than putting them on track to graduate, and they do little to address the variety of other support needs students have. To help all students thrive in college, institutions are beginning to radically rethink how they offer developmental education. CAPR’s Reimagining Developmental Education conference provided a venue for a diverse group of stakeholders to reflect on this progress and consider what further action they can take to support student success.
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