Susan Scrivener

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Susan Scrivener is a senior research associate at MDRC. She has over two decades of experience evaluating education and social programs for low-income individuals. She is currently leading research on the implementation of several reforms, including a study of a text-messaging effort designed to help students enroll in college and a study of programs that provide employment services to individuals with substance-use disorder as part of the Building Evidence on Employment Strategies for Low-Income Families (BEES) project. Scrivener recently served as MDRC’s lead implementation researcher in an evaluation of CUNY Start, a program at the City University of New York’s community colleges that provides intensive instruction in math, reading, and writing for students with significant developmental needs. She also directed MDRC’s evaluation of CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, an uncommonly comprehensive program to help students with developmental needs graduate with associate degrees. Scrivener has authored over 25 published reports and papers. She received a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Minnesota.