Sandy Goodman

Sandy Goodman is the director of the National College Transition Network (NCTN) at World Education, Inc., where she provides technical assistance, training, and project leadership on college transition initiatives. Goodman works within and across the adult education, workforce development, and community college systems to equip each to better support low-income adults as they realize their education and career goals. Goodman is a coauthor of No Matter What Obstacle Is Thrown My Way, a report from NCTN’s single mothers’ career readiness and success project, which she also directs. The paper documents community college services and strategies that support students who are single mothers.
Goodman also assists states in developing and scaling college and career navigators and career coaches who are at the center of programs that foster student persistence and success. Her face-to-face and online training programs for college and career navigators have been offered in 15 states to hundreds of frontline staff and administrators in adult education, community college, and workforce development programs.
Goodman has a BA in women’s studies/social thought and political economy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.