Camielle Headlam

Camielle Headlam is a research associate at MDRC, where she studies the implementation of postsecondary student success initiatives and provides technical assistance to colleges and universities based on research insights. Her work spans several topics in higher education, including developmental education reform, comprehensive student support programs, and strategies to increase academic momentum. Headlam has conducted qualitative research and provided operational support to colleges for the Developmental Education Acceleration project, which sought to evaluate the efficacy of a modular, computer-assisted developmental math program; the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) Demonstration, which evaluates replications of a comprehensive student support program developed by the City University of New York (CUNY); and the Encouraging Additional Summer Enrollment project, which used behavioral science to successfully increase summer enrollment and credit attainment for low-income students. She has authored several reports focused on community college student success. Prior to joining MDRC, she served as a college success advisor for a community-based organization.